Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Rainbow after the Storm.....

Well, I can honestly say I'm not the same person that started this weight loss journey.  I'm no longer an insecure, recluse, that was letting life just pass her by.  I am so amazed how much change can occur in just 5 months.  Not just in body, but in mind as well.

One of the most pivotal moments, that sparked a drastic change in me, was at the ladies retreat I attended in May at my church. The speaker spoke on - Whom or What fills your cup?  It was in that moment, that I realized I had been searching in vain.  I was looking to people and things, and not the inner peace only Christ can give. Phillipians 4:7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.  Our cup can NEVER be filled with all the world has to offer.  The key is Christ.  He's the one that gives happiness.  People will fail you, and material things won't last. 

One of the things that changed around the time of the retreat, was me joining a gym.  Going to the gym has been such a positive outlet.  Working out is my hobby! Tonight I did 50 stomach crunches, 15 minutes of racquet ball, 2 weight machines, and 1 hour of Zumba.  I NEVER considered I would actually be able to build this type of endurance, especially in just 5 months.  I have really accomplished more than I ever thought possible.  Just Zumba all on it's on kicked my butt!  I went from working out 2 times a week to now 5 times a week.  4 of those days I'm doing Zumba.  After football season, I plan to add a 5th day of Zumba.  IICorinthians 12:9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

I sometimes look at all the change I've went through thus far and stand in awe.  I'm finally seeing the potential I've had bottled up for so many years.  It has been hard at times to be proud of my accomplishments.  I've never been one to think of myself or my needs.  I have always enjoyed being there for others and putting me on the bottom of the priority list. After reading scriptures and really meditating on them, I've grown to realize I have got to have a balance in my life.  It is good to take time for yourself.  When it is involving renewing your mind and body.  I Corinthians 6:20  For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

I have lost 28 pounds so far.  My weekly weigh in, is in the a.m.  I'm hoping to hit at least a 3 pound loss.  The weight is coming off slowly.  I'm earning every pound with lots of hard work.  I go in the gym  and give it everything I have.  I smile alot during my workouts.  I'm bursting at the seams with a passionate love for what I'm doing.  Like the t-shirts say "I'm in my happy place", that's what you'll see written all over my face in the gym!

Don't think for 1 second that u can't enjoy a fulfilling, happy life!  With Christ all things are possible.  I wouldn't be where I am today without the strength Christ has given.  My husband & kids have seen the positive change in me and have made mention of it.  I laugh, dance, and have alot more patience than I use to.  I also have alot more energy and I'm learning to savor every moment God has given me.  Instead of wasting away in a depression.  I was literally just surviving daily, rather than enjoying even the little things.  It is a blessing to have friends, family, health, & the beautiful art work God has revealed so spectacularly on the earth! It's not that hard to look around and be inspired!  I'm the living rainbow after the storm.  I'm proof anyone can find a happy ending!

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