Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Life Forever Changed....

I can't begin to tell u the joy I feel just bursting to come out!  I literally feel like doing a Zumba type dance, from the excitement bottled inside me!  I had a life changing moment happen in Zumba tonight that I want to share, but I want to go back to my weigh in on thursday first!

Well as I had feared, I did gain on the scale at thursday's weigh in!  I gained 1 1/2 pounds, which puts me back at 37 pounds weight loss.  I will say, that I did hit the weights every single day leading to that weigh in and feel like in some ways that was part of the weight gain.  I had been dealing with nearly 2 weeks of migraines, that I am pretty sure was due to my thyroid yo yoing all over the place.  As anyone familiar with the thyroid knows, it affects so many areas of your life!  I also have been battling getting my calories in for the day, due to starting each day with a migraine.  I have finally found relief from the migraines as of sunday evening, I haven't had another one.  Praise God for that!  I am so thankful for all the prayers that I know were sent up for me.

After the relief from the migraines, I have been waking up eating and have came really close to meeting my 1700 calorie a day requirement, I have still found it challenging to get all the calories in.  I know any of u that love food, think I must be crazy.  The thing is I have changed my whole view of food.  Sure I still enjoy food, but I know now it is for fuel for my body.  I have a whole new respect for it.  I use to abuse food and it was very harmful for my body as well as my mind.  Now it is the fuel that I use for my workouts as well as my daily life.  I feel so much better, more than I EVER thought possible!  It's amazing the difference u feel when u eat healthy!

I did a zumba class thursday night, and took friday off from the gym.  I woke up saturday morning, with the knowledge of a zumba class at 9:30 a.m.  In mind I wanted to go, but I woke up seriously battling my body.  As I have shared before I deal with serious pain in my back and it is much worse in the mornings and especially in cold weather!  I actually woke up a little later than I normally would for a class that early.  I didn't get up until 8:30a.m., and when u add dragging, on that I was really pushing it for time.  I literally started giving myself words of encouragement to be able to push through the pain and go to the zumba class.  I was saying these 2 particular phrases over and over to myself as I wound up making it to the zumba class just minutes before time to start.  I was saying "this is how winnings done" & "with greater pain comes greater reward"!  I was so glad that I pushed through and went to the zumba class, cause as always I enjoyed it, and I was able to find a strength in myself that quite frankly I thought I would NEVER have!  That strength has been sparked and given to me by my Lord.  I'm so thankful for the renewed look on life and the internal joy that I now have!  It's amazing what happens when u finally give it over completely to Christ, and put total faith in what he is able to do.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of GOD, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. But without faith it is impossible to please him; for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Hebrews 11:1,3,6 (KJV)

I took the day off sunday in the gym, but hit a zumba class monday night, and tuesday night I hit 2 back to back!   As u can see I completely layed off the weights for this weigh in.

Now, on to the life changing moment of tonight's Zumba.  We had a fill in at tonights zumba class, which is the toughest cardio based zumba instructor I have.  She is also a special friend that I will forever be grateful to!  She has left such a positive impact on my life, that words can't even describe how much appreciation I have!  She as well went through a weight loss journey and is at her goal weight.  She knows 1st hand the challenges that comes with weight loss.  Probably a little over a month or so back, she added a song to her class, that within a few minutes, of it playing moved me.  The song is "I can transform ya" by: Chris Brown.  The words of I can transform u, made me connect in my mind, that I was being transformed through this weight loss journey.  That I was actually doing it!  I began to get a bit emotional in that class, but had to hold back until the end of the class.  I went up to the instructor (my friend) and let her know how she had reinspired me to push through the pain, emotionally and physically and that I appreciated her dedication to instructing zumba.  I let her know that words couldn't truly describe how she had impacted my life!  As I was speaking to her about this, I began to cry and I could see it touched her as well.  It was tears of joy!  That I finally was transforming into someone I thought would NEVER be!  She let me know that she had choreographed that song for a dear friend of hers that had also went through a weight loss journey.  Her friend liked the song for the exact reason I had described to her.  I thought that, was the coolest thing, and I've continually looked forward to going to her class to rock to that song!  Tonight's class, I'm going to try as best as I can to put into words the emotion I felt!  As we were a little more than 1/2 way through the class, we started the song "I can transform ya".   The instructor (my friend) came down off the platform, and on one of my very favorite parts of the song began to do the moves with me!  I could hear just about everyone in the room cheering with excitement as me and her rocked a few minutes to those moves.  In those moments it was as if she and I were the only 2 people in the room, and so many floods of emotion ran through me.  I was thinking how cool, that she came right by me, on the very song, that she knew hit me, on such a personal level.  On top of that, I was keeping up, smiling, enjoying every second of it!  Also reflecting in my mind on "WOW" ~ Johnell u are there!  You are experiencing true FREEDOM from all the bondages that life in the past had on u!  True Joy, happiness, peace & strength were mine!  This is reward beyond the scale!  This is the reward that I so desperately was seeking for so, so long!  For so long I searched for my worth in others words or deeds!  I have finally found my worth in Christ!  I have an inner strength now and I'm so excited for what my future holds!

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the [Lord], thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.  Jeremiah 29:11


  1. I cannot express the joy this brings to my heart for you,I cried as I read this. I have always known what a beautiful soul you are, inside and out. I have always known what you are worth both to me and to our Father. I have always valued you and your friendship. So , this to me is a triumph- getting to share with you, your joy and victory over Satan's lie. You are so awesome and I will continue to pray for God's healing and victories in your life. I love you, you are the most wonderful, best friend I could have ever asked my Lord for. You are one of my most treasured gifts. Thanks you for sharing your journey. I love you! Keep it up, your shining!

  2. I, too, read this through tears. The transformation in your body and your mind is a blessing from our Father. That blessing is naturally for you. But also for each of us as well. We witness your bravery and determination all the while giving the proper credit to God. What a lesson you are teaching us! Thank you for bringing us along on this journey.
