Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hard Work Pays Off...

Well it's been several weeks since my last update.  I have had 2 good weigh ins.  The 1st being 1 pound loss and the last week's weigh in being a 3 1/2 pound weight loss!  That puts me down a total of 41 pounds.  The 3 1/2 pound weight loss came from doing 6 zumba's & 2 weight training days.  I had increased the intensities in the last 3 or 4 of those zumba's and as u can see with a 3 1/2 pound weight loss, all the hard work paid off.  I normally sweat alot in zumba, but those particular classes that I had increased the intensity I soaked my tops front and back, as well as my pants from sweat.  I pushed myself to a place, beyond what I thought possible.  It's amazing just when I think I've pushed myself as far as I can, I'm able to push myself even more.

I just got in from a back to back zumba tonight!  I don't mind telling u I am pretty tired!  I increased the intensity in those classes tonight!  I'm really hoping to see it payoff on the scale this week as well!  I've only hit a total of 4 zumbas so far and will only hit 1 more tomorrow night for this weeks weigh in.  So I will actually be short 1 zumba compared to last weeks.  However, I have increased the intensity in all these zumba's.  I have only hit the weights 1 time, so far, and won't again till after weigh in.  I have stuck really close to my 1700 calorie intake and have been sure to take in plenty of water daily as well!  Not sure if I've shared how I eat, so here is a little of what I do.  I try to get 6 fruits & veggies in a day.  I do NOT eat fried foods or sweets!  I eat mostly chicken & turkey. I will tell u that breakfast is the most important meal of the day!  Protein is key as well!  As my gym owner says, more than 1/2 the work u do is in how u eat, the other portion is the workouts u put in!  I've cut out a big majority of the beef I use to eat.  Believe it or not, it has not been hard to do those things.  The biggest challenge for me is anytime I make homemade rice & gravy or homemade potatoes of any kind.  Those are 2 of my hardest temptation!  Those have always been my weakness. I have put it in my mind that I can have a little and that's good enough.  I don't waste the extra calories on something like that, but instead on more of the lean meats or fruits & veggies.  I will tell u this - If u have a craving for something have a little bit!  U should not deprive yourself of things u enjoy, just use moderation.  When u make your body think u are depriving it, you are sabotaging yourself!  We are talking life style change, not something u can do long term.

My husband seems to think, I've gone zumba overboard, but I quickly remind him I'm on a weight loss journey!  Yes, this is a lifestyle change, but until I reach my goal weight I am beefing up my workouts!  That's not the only reason for all the Zumba's though!  I absolutely LOVE doing Zumba!  I have been doing zumba since September 7, 2010, and have not once felt burned out!  I have different instructors with different songs and even though I repetitively go to the same classes, I NEVER get bored.  Zumba has changed my life, and I will forever be doing Zumba.  I actually just found out tonight, that my gym is starting yet 1 more zumba class a week!  I, with big grin in tow, asked my husband what he thought about me doing double zumba's on mondays too!   Lol ~ Of course he said that was way too much ;o)  He wants me to stick with what I'm already doing.  I do 1 on monday already, then 2 on tuesday night, 1 wednesday night, 2 thursday night, and every other saturday morning I do 1!  The gym adding a monday night class, leaves room for me to swap up my double zumba nights though!  Maybe every once in awhile a double zumba added on monday night ;o) 
When the journey is made with hard work & dedication, through sweat & even tears, u will appreciate it more!

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